Friday, May 21, 2010

Fallout 3 Cheats

Cheats, mostly for my reference.

Republic of Dave

When you first arrive at the front gate there will be a child that will take you to Dave, after you finish talking to Dave, kill him and take his key and use it to open the safe right next to him. In the safe there will be a rifle that is called the 0l'painless. the rifle does 21 damage but it's way better than the sniper and a lot easier to repair and find ammo for it.

Strength - Megaton - Lucas Simms House
Perception - Republic of Dave - Museum of Dave
Endurance - Deathclaw Sanctuary - Deathclaw Sanctuary Entrance
Charisma - Vault 108 - Cloning Lab
Intelligence - Rivet city - Science Lab
Agility - Greener Pastures Disposal - Office
Luck - Arlington Cemetery North - Arlington House

Barter - Evergreen Mills - Market Bazaar
Big Guns - Fort Constantine - CO Quarters
Energy Weapons - Ravenhold
Explosives - WKML Broadcast Station - Sealed Cistern
Lockpick - Bethesda - Bethesda Offices East
Medicine - Vault 101 - Dad's Desk
Melee Weapons - Dunwich Building - Virulent Underchambers
Repair - Aerefu - Evan Kings House
Science - Vault 106 - Living Quarters
Small Guns - National Guard Depot - National Guard Armory
Sneak - Yao Guai Tunnels - Yao Guai Den
Speech - Paradise Falls - Euology's pad
Unarmed - Rockopolis – Head directly west from Casey Smith's Garage, look for tattered banners strung up.

Atom Bomb Fallout 3

Here's a video of the outcome of choosing to blow up Megaton. The reason why Japan would be uneasy about this part of the game is pretty obvious after seeing this.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Controller Family Tree

Even though this doesn't directly relate to any of the Fallout games, this controller family tree really fits our conversation about controllers today!

Here's the link:

Sunday, May 16, 2010

You Know Your Addicted When...

Here's something very true that I found. I'll post the link at the bottom!

The 10 Signs I'm Addicted to Fallout 3.

  1. I’m sleeping less because I’m wandering the Capital Wasteland till 2-3am in the morning.
  2. I prefer killing Super Mutants alone than killing Nazi Zombies or the Locust Horde with my buddies.
  3. I haven’t touched my PSP or Wii since starting Fallout 3.
  4. I got a copy of the Official Fallout 3 Game Guide by Prima Games.
  5. I agonize over skill points allocation and perk selection whenever I level up.
  6. I feel the urge to rummage through garbage cans in real life.
  7. I feel like I should walk slower.
  8. I’m less picky about my food.
  9. I’m beginning to visualize a V.A.T.S overlay when I look at people.
  10. I feel like opening all the closed stall doors in public toilets.
I haven't gotten that addicted to it yet to feel the need to by the game guide, but we'll see where I am over the summer.


Fallout Humor

SOOOOO, I totally found something to post from No Mutants Allowed!

The site features a forum dedicated to Fallout Humor, entitled San Andrea's Vault

Sadly, I have become so involved with this game that I'm able to find a lot of these jokes pretty funny...

Heres the link:

Found A New Fallout Based Site!

No Mutants Allowed is a site that has been following the Fallout series since 1997. It's pretty much the place to go when looking up information on each of the games. They have links to everything from articles, reviews, previews of the games, interviews with people involved with the making of the games, and a lot of which can be found from different countries.

I would really use this site for advice during game play. Especially since the site has an extensive amount of cheat codes, walkthroughs, maps, and a list of the missions you can encounter.

Not sure, if I would be able to use them as a source, unless I looked at them for articles. But I think its pretty important to mention them because of all the game play information they provide.

Here's the link!